The Art of Letting Go for Creativity

I fully believe if one feels stuck it is necessary to let go, and that pertains to any are of life. It just so happens that my creativity is the area in which I feel stuck; so that is where I am!

I have been creatively stuck for years now and I know I need to simplify in order to open a new space for creation. I am stifled by the amount of things I can create that I get overwhelmed and never actually do create.

Opening up "space" to allow for new ideas is possible once I let go of what I have right now. I am missing that side of me and I crave it to return. All of us have a creative aspect and I feel it is what I need to keep me grounded. I am excited to release these fabrics and my attachment to them; a new perspective is what I need to move forward.

To those of you tapped into your creative expression... Kudos's!!! And Please keep it going, our world needs what you continue to offer.


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